S1. Ep 2 | Têya Foley - Partial Molar Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Blood Donations, Waiting to try again for medical reasons
This episode we interview the beautiful Têya Foley, an empowerment blogger of all things women. Têya created and so she thought in order empower and connect women by sharing their voices and stories, and by exploring the issues many of us face but don't talk about.
Key Topics: Partial Molar and Molar Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Surgery, Blood donations, Language, Partner's Trauma, Waiting to try to conceive for medical reasons, the infamous 12 week rule.
Têya Foley can be found on the following platforms

S1. Ep 4 | Bianca Zara Two still births at 34 and 32 weeks (reasons unexplained) and two recurrent miscarriages, trying again, healing, feminine power, yoga
Today we interview the beautiful Bianca, a yoga teacher in the Adelaide Hills.
Her story of Luna and Atlas is beautifully raw, she speaks on her two recurrent miscarriages, trying to conceive as well as her wonderful support of family and friends.
This episode is one to take time with. If you are not ready or have the time for this episode do listen in on our debrief ep.
Key Topics: Pregnancy care, induction, Acupuncture, Conventional Medicine, the power of friendships, self catheterisation
​Bianca can be found and connected with on Instagram:
Also please check out Still Aware, Bianca is very passionate about this non-for profit and please consider donating.

S1. Ep 5 | Bianca Zara - Debrief
In this episode, Sarah and Megan debrief about Bianca's story.
The energy shift after talking to Bianca was palpable, and we both truly felt that we needed to honour Luna and Atlas, the two miscarriages and sit in the space of their story.
We hope that our debrief helps the listener to process their own emotions as we open up in this special debrief episode.

S1. Ep 6 | Kylie Anderson - Miscarriage, feminine energy, sensing baby's gender, healing rituals, womb healing, Reiki
Kylie Anderson is the founder of Be Your Radiant Self and is a reiki healer, holistic health coach, personal trainer, blogger, speaker and mama of two girls.
Today we speak with Kylie about her baby lost to miscarriage at 9 weeks having had a suction curette and the beautiful 4 weeks Kylie had with her baby.
Sensing the baby's gender, womb healing and guiding onto reiki.
Find Kylie on the following platforms:

S1. Ep 8Â | Shaye Woodhouse - Stillbirth, True knot, Charlee's Basket, Resilience
Shaye is a mama of 4. Her second baby Charlee died at 37 weeks due to a true knot lead to her being born sleeping in Dec 2015 when her big sister was only two years-old.
A few months after the death and birth of Charlee while also being a mum and newly pregnant again. To help Shaye overcome her grief, anxiety and crazy mum life struggles as a new but bereaved mama. She set out the create something in honour of Charlee to support in what she felt had been totally missed from her experience aka Charlee's Basket, which is a not-for-profit organisation providing care package to families experiencing the trauma of stillbirth or the death of a baby in the first few days after birth.
Find or connect with Shaye on the following platforms:

S1. Ep 10 | Kristen - Stillbirth after compassionate induction, supporting siblings, genetic testing, NTD, VBAC, TFMR
Today's interview is with the beautiful Kristen who is a business owner, wife and mother to two earth bound boys and to her beautiful boy Nicholas who was born sleeping March 2018.
Sadly at Nicholas' 20 week ultrasound which Kristen and her husband had both joyfully brought their two boys along too, they received life altering news on Nicholas' and what this meant for him and their family.
Kristen and Nicholas' story is one of unsurpassable love and the decisions no parent should ever be faced with.
It is unfortunate that this is a space that is shared with so many families and Sarah our host has had to bear the burden of this life changing and lifelong "decision".
Please remember this is a safe space and we are all here with empty arms no matter how the story unfolds, our wanted children sadly leave us.
Kristen can be found at her business pages:

S1. Ep 11Â | Kristen - Debrief
In this episode Sarah and Megan debrief after Kristen's episode on her story with her beautiful little boy Nicholas.
The after effect for Sarah having felt like she was reliving her story in listening and bringing up the feelings when stories are so similar.
We hope you have gained a lot out of our first season of TSMT and if anything you have felt less alone.
Please remember to reach out and get in contact with us via social media.
And if you want to share your story via the podcast or just on the blog, head to our website page:
Until next season, which we will be bringing you the professionals with the birth and death space. So you might arm yourself with some information to help you find answers, making difficult decisions after your baby dies or that you might know how to help out a friend.
Watch this space.
Sarah & Megan

The Still Mama Tribe Holiday Special - Bonus Episode
Today we bring you a very special episode, just in time for the holiday season. As loss mamas, we know this time can be stressful, difficult and sad to face without having your baby and the life you imagined. Which can be even more difficult when everyone else seems to be merry and bright.
Sarah and Megan asked our Instagram Tribe what kinds of things YOU do to remember, connect with and honour your baby at Christmas and through the New Year season. We share some beautiful ideas that our Tribe wrote in, we hope you enjoy listening and maybe even adopt a ritual or two, if they resonate.
We wish all of our listeners love and peace throughout the holidays.
Sarah & Megan xx